Thursday, October 24, 2013

My Calling as a Wife and Mother: Why I Do What I Do

It’s been awhile…….

My household has been through a very busy season. Between moving into a new house and potty training, I haven’t been able to devote a lot of time to this blog. Hopefully, now that we are all moved in, I will be able to free up some time to write.

I love writing this blog!! I love the idea that I may be able to use my experience to help people; whether it be sharing a wonderful recipe or cleaning tip, or giving perspective on body image or any other trials many of us Mommies go through. I love the fact that I can write about how wonderful God is and how he is constantly changing my heart and my life!!!!

But as much as I love to write this blog, I am a wife and a mommy first. My family’s needs must be my top priority. This is not only because I love them more than anything (other than God) but because this is my true calling. God has called me to be a wife and mother, and to give it everything I’ve got.

 Am I a perfect mom? Nope!! Is my home always impeccably clean? I wish!! In fact, I am a mom who gets exasperated at times!! Sometimes, I just sit here and pray for God to help my two year old because I have no idea how to handle him. Sometimes I feel like praying that all the dishes in my sink would be divinely clean….and put away!!

The only hope I have in this mission is that I know I can ask God for help when I feel like I’m not up to par. Sometimes a simple prayer is all I need to get my crying child to finally go to sleep. So far, God hasn’t cleaned my dishes for me, but he has changed my heart and given me the energy and motivation to do so myself.

Titus 2:4 says that older women are to “train the young women to love their husbands and children.” That is something I am hoping to do through this blog. My main purpose is not to train anyone to be an excellent cook or keep a perfect home. My purpose is to remind you why you do it. Because we love our husbands and children!! Taking good care of them is how we best show them our love. Taking good care of them is how we Glorify God!!! He loves them more than we do and he gave us the honor of extending that love to them!!

But in order to tell you, my readers, how to love your husbands and children, I have to be sure my priorities are right. And sometimes, that means you may not hear from me in a while.

Will I fall immeasurably short sometimes?  Absolutely!! Will my child make me cry? You can bet on it!! Will I go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink? More times than I would like to admit. Will it be worth all of the tears, self-doubt and complete dependency on God? Most definitely!! If I have learned nothing else in my thirty-something years of life, I have learned that God’s will is perfect and the joy I get from perusing his call is worth far more than a lifetime of my former salary. Sometimes he has to remind me of how joyful these days can be, but when he does, my heart sings!!

This makes my Heart Sing!!
May Your Joy Be Full,



Titus 2:3-5 (ESV)

3Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, 4 and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, 5 to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the work of God may not be reviled.


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